Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Cheer!

Abigail and I had gone to Reno to pick Katie up from her London adventures!

The few days after that had been skiing, lounging around, wrapping presents and hanging out with family. Christmas eve was at Gigi's house mom, dad, us kids and jim.... the whole gang! Christmas morning we (the gang) went skiing together. Found Uncle Mike and Aunt Lynda and went tubing! We had somehow lost dad along the way but we soon found him on our way back to the car... evidently he had pushed some guy down in the lift line because he was skiing recklessly. But we hadn't seen the whole thing so on the chair ride we were thinking that he had punched someone who had allegedly keyed his car the day before. We were wrong. Abigail fell over twice, Katie got taken out by a snowboarder, I had a yucky cold, and nothing happened to Hugh. We opened presents and had delicious quiche. Analisa took her 3 kids to Piedmont Ca, to see her parents and brothers. She drove back that afternoon.

After the Christmas fiasco, I found a job at Heavenly (thanks to Uncle Mike and Aunt Lynda) and I now take surveys from customers for marketing purposes... We shall see how the minimum wage part time goes for me....
Tonight is new years and I have no idea what my plans are.


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