Monday, December 14, 2009


After finals I need to get out of Tahoe. I chose the best day, after the biggest snow storm yet this year.
Well I had my biology final, went home and packed and the next morning I headed to the bay area. I had breakfast with Becca, lunch in Davis with Zanny and Elena, two friends since I was a youngin. I headed to Marin and stayed with my Boppa for the night, we went to Trader Jo's and the store in the morning and I then headed into the city. I had coffee with Mackenna and Ashley, two friends from high school and then stayed the night with Shannon, a close family friend who is in the San Francisco Ballet. After shopping the next day and stealing some amazing things (not literally, just great finds) I headed to Diablo to stay with the Moulthrops, some family friends. I stayed two nights and was about to head back to Tahoe but the weather kept me another day. Lunch with Analisa (stepmom) and her parents, brother and sister-in-law. Her father had beed 5 days post-op from a back surgery and was doing FANTASTIC!
The drive home was easier than I had thought too!

Now skiing, attempting to find a job, and expecting Katie and Hugh to come home!!!

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