Monday, November 16, 2009


So this last weekend I went to go see Caitlin Moulthrop in Eugene Oregon, where she attends U of O. I left my Bio lab and headed strait to Reno and slept at Jim's house. Then I woke up at 4:30 am to head off the the air port early Friday morning... ehh
Yet again I screwed up in security, my waterbottle (tin, reusable) still had water in it!) doiiii Andrea! So I dumped it out quickly and jumped back in line, and thank god for Reno, and no one ever wants to go there... security wasn't too bad. The flight was fun, Cait picked me up and we had some breakfast. The street was cute and we did a little Christmas shopping!
Then we went shopping, and shopping... oh yea and shopping! Ha ha. Then we drove back to her cute little apartment, where her roommate was to be missing (thank god, I have heard some horror stories) Lovely mexican for dinner and a movie, ya you are jealous of our PJ party!
The next day we toured the school, or should I say that Caitlin gave me a tour. Then we grabbed lunch at trader jo's and took a nap/ showers. Got ready for the football game, they were playing Arizona! So we met up with her family friends for a tailgater, but first we had to walk all the way around the stadium! Ha ha Caitlin was super upset at this point because apparently she had to do the same thing the last game, but in the opposite direction, I just happened to find it funny, which I don't think helped her mood out all that much... teehee!
OK, so the game was SICK! I love football live! And there were really gross hicks sitting in front of us, and it was a bummer but added to the experience. It was chilly out but thankfully we beat the weather and it DID NOT rain! Which was a total surprise because it was supposed to rain the entire freaking weekend! And the weather man was wrong, so thank you Mr. Weather Man!
So everyone there was cold (I was thoroughly prepared with hand warmers to the boot) and at the end of the 4th quarter we headed out to beat the traffic. When we got back we checked the score just to double check and this is how the conversation went:
Cait "Ohhhh mmyyy GODDDDDD!"
Me "Yea what happened?"
Cait "The score was 47-44! We lost!"
Me "Wait whoooahhh what? How?"
Cait "I don't know if I can believe this, I need to check a more reliable source because I am getting a lot of different numbers!"
Me "Find anything"
Cait "Well I don't know... What's a reliable place"
Me "For sports, you mean like ESPN?"
Cait "Oh yea, RIGHT!"

Oh I can't tell you how freaking hard I was laughing! I fell over.... But I guess you had to be there

The next morning we were planning on waking up early and heading to the coast to hang out/ picnic like the cute couple we are, but we opted out of waking up at 7:30. So at 9 am we packed up all my stuff and headed to the bluff for a quick hike which I thought was a fabulous way to start off the morning! Coffee, quick change, and on the road again Play song>
We tried to grab lunch at a place the Cait likes (gluten free-friendly) but they were closed so we ventured across the street to a breakfast nook, super cute and delecious! Then I went back to the airport and thank goodness I was early because security was loonnggggg!
I all of the pictures I took in the last month or so because my memory on my computer is full. I am currently working on trying to solve that problem so cross your fingers for me, and I think that Cait has some saved that she can send me!

Now I have 5 days until London and I am so super duper excited!

Monday, November 9, 2009


I had quite a strange weekend.
It started off with me being sick to my stomach and not going to Calc to take notes... oh well. then I got my act together for some Chem tutoring. I am so glad that I went because I had an "ah ha!" moment. Worked out got Abi from dance, and with Riley we went to go see the god family (Bob, Rosie, Roberta etc...) for some family time. It was good to see all of them, unfortunately Kalie and Brittany had to go to their dad's house for the weekend, so yet again, we didn't get to see them AGAIN!
Ok so we had my favortie cheese enchalatas (which we made with my fake cheese so I could actually enjoy them to the max) and we then watched Nacho Libre, and I think the best part was watching Rosie and Roberta die of laughter! Abi and I were slightly lost, but then again, laughter is contagious so it was just a great movie.
Then we had eggs, hashbrowns and bacon for breakfast. Roberta cut my hair. Dad wouldn't stop nagging me about what my plans were, because I didn't know what my plans were in the first place. So all in all we met up with dad and Analisa in carson so watch the Michael Jackson video which was really good.
I watched the USC Arizona game and then headed to bed, I really wanted to find something to go out and do with my friends, but living in a small town, that can be hard to find sometimes.

OK so then on Saturday I spent the ENTIRE day organizing the Crap in my room. Can I say that I was having an OCD day? I would say yes.
Later in the day I was reheating food in the microwave and it stopped working, along with the refrigerator! Ahh panic attack right?
So I reset all of the breakers and still nothing... Mom was freaking out at me though text messages, which were just making me more angry! So then I took all of the food from the fridge into the garage fridge (which i had to take all the non perishables out first, aka wine beer and soda). Next I took all the meat out of the freezer and put it into a cooler (seeing as how there was no room in the garage freezer). Shortly after Andy Dauscher (handyman neighbor) came to the rescue! He tried all the same things I did. Then we pulled out the fridge unit, and attempted the plug, no success, only sneezes from all the dust. So I did a quick sweep job and we pushed it back. In the end it turned out to be a circuit breaker which wasn't working right (sneakily stuck). OK so I lysoled the bah-jesus out of the fridge, seeing as there was no food in it, and transfered all the food back, lysoled out the garage fridge and put all the previous materials back in. Now onto the freezer. I did the same with the lysol, but with out the bah-jesus bit (because it was still sorta frozen). But I did manage to organize it: red meats, white meats, packaged foods, sweets (so they are harder to reach on the bottom) and in the door was breakfast stuff, vegetables, nuts, and ice-packs/ juice. I was very proud of myself.

I tried to reheat something in the microwave again and it stopped working and I was so worried that it was going to cut out the fridge again, it thankfully didn't. Its just time for a new microwave, and hence we are now mircrowave-less.

Wonderful, lesson learned; don't pack so much food into the fridge if you aren't willing to lose it.

And now my mom is FINALLY home from a wedding in Ohio that she went to with JimmyWimmy.

Thanks it, thats all!
--> for now

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Oops I didn't finish that one... but so I obviously made up my mind, and I stayed here in Tahoe, and I think it was the best decision for me, academically... not socially though, because I haven't really had super close friends IN Tahoe, because... well lets face it, I never spent all that much time here anyways. I miss my social life, but that leaves me time for other things. So far I have:
taught myself to knit and crochet, diet (ha well Im working on that one), stay in better contact with long distance (aka ALL) my friends, and thoroughly learn to love and appreciate all that I DO have all around me.

I have been taking classes at Lake Tahoe Community College and I am taking Biology, Chemistry and Calculus. Fair enough to say that my accidemic plate is FULL and don't have much time for a social schedule at that. But I am trying to keep my mind on other things, (not school and not Nikolai) and its really really hard to keep your brain NOT thinking about things... hence the knitting etc. but due to the changing seasons where it is much too cold to go to the beach, and too little snow to go skiing... I am at a loss.... any help people?

But we get to go see Katie in London on the 21, EXACTLY 2 weeks from now and Im going to pee my pants Im so excited!!!! :D Zach Kropf (Paris), and the Simmons (Switzerland) are going visit us there for Thanksgiving...
I find this very amusing that we are celebrating a holiday of liberation from England... so we will just celebrate there! HA HA!

I also realized that I didn't last post after finals, I think that was the last time that I THOUGHT about posting, and obviously failed to do so, instead I had a black eye...

Finals sucked, at least that much I remember and I was super looking forward to coming home, especially after all the happenings with Nikolai (this is also the most I have mentioned him in a long time, funny).

Last weekend (Halloween) I went to go see Trine is Salt Lake City and had a freaking blast! Mind you we were waisted the whole weekend... but it was well worth it for the two of us! I was a clown and she was a scarecrow (also she used my wonderful elephant outfit for our day of giggles, bike riding, pedicures with beer and dirty dirty looks from mormons)
Did you know that in the state of Utah they do not serve alcohol until AFTER 12pm!? Not good for curing a hangover! And on the pedicure note... well we went to a concert to see The Sounds! They were freaking awesome! I bypassed the ENTIRE bar line to get us drinks and I was getting really dirty looks from dumb blonds (not that I am one or anything) from behind me, but I fully prepared to pull off retartd incase it got to be ugly. Ha ha funny "in the moment story only Trine can fully appreciate;) ).So after ward on my attempt to get Trine and her 17yr old sister back stage, we killed time at the gay bar next door and Kelsi got my ID taken, so I hung around for an hour after, busted out some tears, and got it back, FO FREE!!! Then I walked about 2 blocks back to Applebee's to meet up with them while they waited for me... I was about to get mugged but SOMEHOW talked them out of it. I think it was the guilt tripping them, because this one lady said that she had a daughter my age but she had a kid so I mentioned something along the lines of "yeaaa soooo has SHE ever got mugged or raped, because that would be so sad and unfortunate" and after that, she looked at the two guys she was with and they walked away and said to have a good night. I had to pee... like really really had to pee too, and I had to hold it in too! I amaze myself sometimes.
OK so back to the pedicure, my feet were trashed from tromping around in heels and getting beat up in a mosh-pit, and my heels (from fabulous ross) were ripped to shreds :( So when we got up the next morning we had a yummy yummy home made brunch and then hopped on bicycles to whole foods about 3miles away, we were both still drunk after all this that by the time we got to whole foods it was time to reboost our energy*. The clerk gave us dirty looks buying beer at 12ish in the afternoon. So we took our goodies into the nail place and we got funny looks from the asians and they immediately starting talking in "asian" behind our backs, but technically it was infront of us, but what else could we expect? My blisters were ripped open and nail polish remover was poured into it immediately following, and she was laughing! I totally didn't deserve THAT! I know I was being irresponsible but not to the degree of that unwanted pain that I (actually Trine, love ya!) was paying for! I mean COME ON!
Then we rode to radome stores buying crap we didn't need, and halloween costume parts.
We watched some TV, took a nap to get ready for the evening, and away we went to costume preparations, drinks and a photo-fest! (can't find my cord at the moment but you'll see pictures, not to worry!)
Fun night, with mixed drinks that we were paranoid that had been roofied (hadn't been in the end) black lights, spiderwebs, a creeper grandpa, Waldo, H1N1 (very cute boy that Trine snagged), and an awesome Sweeney Todd.
We had Tea the next day with her family for Kelsi's B-day and then we went sopping and I spent a little too much money.. oh how fashion is my weak spot.

Flew home and sat between two crazy ladies!

Then back to school and that is about IT.

Now hopefully I can consistently write on my blog from here on out, my goal is every 2 weeks. Remind me, it could help
So I think that the last time that I posted was finals from Denver.
Its now November 6th... Geeze, can I say sorry?

it went by so quickly! Nikolai broke up with me, so i kept myself busy and worked 2 jobs.
One job was at Del Sol, "where everything changes color in the sun, WOW!" it was lots of fun there especially when I would tell little kids that they were doing magic hehe!
My other job was at the fabulous Heavenly Valley Ski Resort (mmm runs in the family?). I was an attendee at the climbing wall. Which actually was a trailer version that was self belaying and all we had to do was pop it up in the morning, clip kids into their harnesses and helmets and onto the wall, all at the same time collecting tickets. There was a "spider climber", which is an air filled bounce house version of a slide with an obstacle course in order to get to the actual slide. The obstacle course was actually 6 layers of seat belts folded in an out of one another in an interlacing pattern, connected to the sides by coil springs (like a trampoline) just so they would give a little and spread apart to get a body through. Finally after a difficult attempt to get to the top of 6 layers of hell getting squished in by seat-belts you reach a slide, about 30 ft in the air and sweet success! The slide IS the best part, but the joys of working there, we get to run up the slide and bounce around and not mess with the difficulties of trying to get through the seat-belt jungle.
Well there there is the flyer, the zip line, that people pay about $80 a person to ride just once. Being an employee however, we got to ride daily in order to make sure it works properly. And I loved every crying moment of it (watering eyes from professional aerodynamics) I was the only girl working there (exception a liftee who got fired because she left someone on the chair and shut it down for the day, really smart crowd) so of course I had to be competitive and beat everyone down... it didn't actually work every time. Unfortunately someone did pass away at the end of the season, due to an unfortunate freak accident and a very windy week. the cable of the zip line retrieval system snapped, got whipped up in the wind and wrapped in the shives (wheels, but thanks dad for the technical word, I sound so much smarter) of the chairlift about 50ish (I'm not good with distance) yards away, there was only that one couple on the chair, newly weds, and they suffered the unfortunate tangle of cords wrapped around them. The man fell to his death and had to be care flighted off of the mountain, the zip line was shut down from there on out, concluding the summer.

I don't remember much else of the summer, except for working a lot. Saw some friends that were home from college like Mackenna and Coral etc... Ali Caffery and her family always stay at the Hyatt in Incline every summer with 2 other families, so I went and saw her! Trine Vik also swung through town with her friend Jordan after their intensive EMT course in Yosemite.

I had to make up my mind whether or not I was going to go back to University of Denver, or not.