My grades are good. I currently have 2 B's and 1 A, and I am content with that. US government, Biology, and English 101. It is nothing too exciting.
My mom bought me a brand new subaru 2010 forester, the color is paprika, but I call her Chalula... the license plates are NDWEEBA. We couldn't fit in the A before to make it andweeba, but its close enough. The lady at the DMV asked if it was a gang term, and I literally laughed out loud! I love her! And she handles wonderfully in the snow which I am so thankful for!

Recently I had tuition issues with University of Denver, they seemed to think that I owed them a full quarters of tuition for the fall and my dad and I fought it, and yea, we won! It made me so happy and it was such a stress relief!
I went to go see Katie this last weekend for some much needed sister catch up time. She picked me up Thursday, we went to lunch and split a salad (we went to this place when ( was there when she was a freshman, 4 years ago!). Ultimate Frisbee practice that night and Friday we went to Santa Monica where she works in a movie production office internship and I went shopping for a few hours, I know so hard to do! Then we went to 'Color Me Mine' which she and I did when Katie visited me in Denver last year. It is a ceramics shop that has pre-made items, such as piggy banks, mugs and plates to name a few, and then you (the artist) paints them and after three weeks you receive a call saying they have been fired and are ready for pick up! Ta da! your FA BU LOUS! Then we got back to her place got ready for a decades party (I was 80's thanks to her roomie Bambie, and she was 40's). After much fun we came home and slept like logs!
Saturday we watched recorded olympics and went to the Ghetty museum of art. I was gorgeous and fun! I was extremely tired, more so than normal but I didn't think too much of it. Later that night we went to Pete Carroll's "a better LA" fundraising concert, hosted by Will Ferral. Katie had bought us nose-bleed tickets, WAYYYY in the back of the auditorium, but then a man came up to us asking if we were going to have a good night, so then he gave us 2 FRONT ROW TICKETS! We didn't believe it, but then we went down to the front, and there we were, 5 seats away from Pete Carroll and right next to Tennacious D, the band with Jack Black AHhhh it was sooo cool!
Sunday we went shopping in Melrose, and went to a cute (extremely busy) diner and had delicious eggs benedict! Then Katie dropped me off at the airport and I kept falling asleep for the 20 min drive. The flight was fine, a little delayed due to snow but nothing to worry about, the drive home was slow and snowy but normal. Then next morning I worked out and came home and slept! After I went to class a few hours later, it hit me, I was sick. I was really sick. I made it thought my next class without upchucking and came home, I didn't go to class later that night because I was asleep from 330 to 630, class started at 6. I had the 24 hr flu that Abigail had the day before I left and I fought it off for the whole weekend, but as soon as i got home it hit me like a sledge hammer. At least it explains why I was so tired when I was with Katie?!
OK it was a short brief update but now (today) I stated to waitress at a new sushi restaurant, Sushi Pier, it is where Burger King was at Kale drive and Hwy 50. Wish me luck!
Best wishes to all

Where we were, at the very far back...